








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2021-02-22 发布人:admin
概述:混凝土搅拌车疏浚泥固化土的土层只划分为一层,厚度为2m, 且土质比照均匀。它们受淤泥粘粒水泥标号、含水率、矿产成分、含量、有机质含量
混凝土搅拌车疏浚泥固化土的土层只划分为一层,厚度为2m, 且土质比照均匀。它们受淤泥粘粒水泥标号、含水率、矿产成分、含量、有机质含量等要素影响。而值随龄期增加越大,这也说明强度随龄期的增加越大。当水泥增加量小于掺入量的时分,固化淤泥的强度不会跟着龄期的增加而有显着的前进。在室内运用小型的搅拌设备, 固化材料与淤泥混合质量较好,可是现场实验用通常自上料式混凝土搅拌车来进行搅拌混合, 保证材料与淤泥的混合均匀。
The soil layer of solidified soil dredged by concrete mixer truck is only divided into one layer with a thickness of 2m, and the soil quality is uniform. They are affected by the grade of mud clay cement, water content, mineral composition, content, organic matter content and other factors. The higher the value is, the greater the intensity is. When the cement content is less than the minimum content, the strength of solidified sludge will not advance significantly with the increase of age. The mixing quality of solidified materials and sludge is better when small mixing equipment is used indoors, but the self loading concrete mixer is usually used in the field experiment to ensure the uniform mixing of materials and sludge.
Solid sludge cleaning of concrete mixer truck
The influence of oil sludge on concrete mixer truck is reflected in the following aspects
1. The cold start is difficult, the idle speed of the cold car can't reach the regular speed, when it is serious, the idle speed of the cold car will turn off, and the idle speed is low after the hot car.
2. It is suggested that the power of the engine should be reduced, the acceleration should not be smooth, and the fuel consumption should be increased.
3. It is suggested that the exhaust emission of the engine will become worse, which will shorten the service life of spark plug, oxygen sensor and three-way catalyst.
4. Carbon deposition will also cause the piston ring of the suggested machine to be stuck, which will affect the sealing function of the piston ring. The oil consumption of the mixer will increase, resulting in the oil burning of the suggested machine and shortening the service life of the suggested machine.
Some people are in a dilemma when choosing concrete mixer truck and its accessories. They don't know where to start. In fact, it's not. When purchasing, they just need to pay attention to the following points.
1. Determine the size of the construction site, evaluate the overall production capacity and scope of application of concrete mixer.
2, consider the practicality, safety, advanced, versatility and reliability of concrete mixer.
3. Review their annual output value and production planning size, in order to choose their own concrete mixer.
4. If you want to produce high quality concrete, you can choose high-quality production equipment and forced mixer. It has strong overload capacity, good mixing quality, no discharge gap, high production power and strong functions.
5. Summarize and compare the performance and price, and find out the advantages of each machine in terms of cost performance.
Underwater pouring should be carried out with conduit to prevent segregation of solidified soil during underwater pouring. When there is no water on land, it should be poured layer by layer. After pouring, it is necessary to cover the surface with wet protection to prevent cracking due to excessive water loss. The available covering materials are usually continuously wet asphalt, wheat straw, hay, etc.
以上的精彩内容来自: 自上料搅拌车更多的精彩内容请点击进入我们的网站:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn我们会继续为您提供精彩内容,感谢关注!
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