








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2022-04-06 发布人:admin
概述:  当我们使用自上料搅拌机进行工作时,发现搅拌机不转了,不知道如何处理,那么这个时候千万不能慌张更不能觉得停机了就能随意打开设备查
  When we use the self-feeding mixer for work, we find that the mixer does not turn and do not know how to deal with it. Then at this time, we should not panic, but we can not feel shut down and open the equipment to check the parts at will. Here we will briefly talk about this problem.
  Check whether the switch button of the mixer is open or whether the circuit breaker is connected, and then check whether the maintenance door of the main engine is not properly connected. Solution: According to the above situation, start the preliminary inspection, first check whether the blender switch, circuit breaker, host maintenance door is working state, if not, put them into the working state respectively.
  Lubricating oil pump can not work normally < lubricating oil pump can not work normally, may be the failure of the power line, can not normally transmit the current; Or the motor in the oil pump fails or shorts. Solution: Check the power cord first and see the specific situation. If it is necessary to replace it, replace a new power cord first and then restart the blender to check whether it can work normally. If not, replace the motor.
  Abnormal sound or vibration in the mixer may damage the bearing; Or the linkage belt between the motor and the stirring arm becomes loose; In or the motor itself due to lack of lubrication or parts aging abnormal sound, vibration. Solution: Check whether there is a problem with the bearing, motor, stirring arm and motor parts. If there is a problem, repair them well. If the damage is serious, replace the parts of the same model.
  The mixer rotates in the opposite direction. This problem may be caused by the wrong wiring of the motor. Solution: in case of the wrong connection of the motor, it is very likely to exchange its positive and negative power supply.
  The mixer will trip and power off automatically. It may be caused by power leakage caused by failure of the feeding mixer. In order to protect the safety of the mixer, it will trip automatically. Or there are too many raw materials in the mixing cylinder, and the motor can't move. Solution: first check the leakage protector, according to the actual situation, the corresponding maintenance or replacement; If the raw material is too much, you can reduce the raw material in the mixing tank, so that the blender works normally.
  The top cover of the mixer is not tightly sealed, resulting in dust and other sundries entering. This situation may be caused by the long-term work of the mixer, resulting in the deformation of the top cover, which cannot be sealed well, or forgetting whether the access door is closed when using the machine, or the observation window is not strictly or damaged. Solution: If the cover deformation, replace a cover of the same model, check whether the access door and observation window is closed, the three points can be solved, you can complete.
  To sum up, xiaobian sorted out the reasons and maintenance methods of the blender through various ways. If the blender does not work when in use, it can be checked according to the above method, first find the fault, and then find the corresponding maintenance method. Want to know more information, please continue to focus on www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn.

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