








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2022-12-14 发布人:admin
The self feeding mixer has reasonable design, compact structure, flexible operation, convenient maintenance, can operate 24 hours a day, high production capacity and low cost. Next, we will talk about the sealing test of the clutch piston of the charging mixer.
Since the feeding mixer truck is unable to move or the oil temperature is too high, it is necessary to judge whether the clutch piston seal is not tight or the oil pressure is insufficient. However, it is sometimes difficult to determine the cause of the fault by conventional detection methods. Especially when there is no power, it is more difficult to check the seal rings of the assembled transmission assembly. At this time, the pneumatic valve can be used for testing.
Dismantle the control valve of the transmission of the automatic feeding mixer (before installing the control valve for the assembled transmission), and then fill each oil hole of the transmission with 0.6-0.8MPa gas in turn. If one hole is filled with gas, When the sound of "bang" is heard and there is no air leakage or the air leakage is very small, it means that the seal between the corresponding clutch piston and the cylinder barrel is good. If the sound of piston pressing the friction plate is not heard and the air leakage is loud, it means that the seal between the clutch piston and the cylinder barrel is ineffective, and the seals should be replaced.
Precautions during operation:
1. During winter construction, the following work shall be done: check whether there is ice before starting; When closing the operation, carefully remove the residual water in the mixing bucket and water supply system, turn off the water pump switch, and place the control handle at the "stop" position.
2. When unloading from the charging mixer truck, if it is found that the water has evaporated and the slump is too low to meet the user's requirements, water can be properly added to the barrel, and then rotate at a speed of 10-14r/min for 30 turns before unloading to fully mix the mixture.
3. During the no-load operation of the self loading mixer truck, the mixing drum shall not be stopped to avoid local turbulence between the raceway and the support roller, which may cause abnormal damage to the support roller and raceway.
In addition, when parking in winter, there should be no residual water in the water tank and water supply system to prevent freezing and cracking. More precautions for the use of related equipment can be found on our website https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn Ask and understand!

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