








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2020-09-07 发布人:admin
概述:一、发动机机油进水后会有哪些表现呢?1、 What is the performance of the engine oil after it is filled with water?1
1、 What is the performance of the engine oil after it is filled with water?
1. 小型搅拌机,如果车辆的发动机机油进水比较大,机油的油面会升高,我们可以观察机油的油尺,一旦机油中含水量过高,那么润滑油的液面就会超出油尺标注的范围。
1. For small mixer, if the water in the engine oil of the vehicle is relatively large, the oil level of the oil will rise. We can observe the oil dipstick of the engine oil. Once the water content in the oil is too high, the level of lubricating oil will exceed the range marked on the dipstick.
2. 如果发动机的某些部件损坏,那么发动机冷却液就会进入润滑系统,而这时往往也会在冷却液中发现机油,所以检查发动机冷却液中是否含有机油也是检验机油是否进水的一个方法。
2. If some parts of the engine are damaged, the engine coolant will enter the lubrication system, and oil will often be found in the coolant at this time. Therefore, checking whether there is oil in the engine coolant is also a method to check whether the engine oil has water.
3. 小型搅拌机仔细观察机油的外观状态,也可以看出机油中是否含有水,不含水的机油呈现的是半透明的油质亮色,而含有水的机油会呈现出不透明的褐色或土黄色,如果机油中含有水分,发动机运转一段时间后,机油就会出现乳白色。
3. Small mixer carefully observe the appearance of the oil, you can also see whether there is water in the oil. The oil without water presents a translucent bright oil color, while the oil containing water will show opaque brown or yellowish brown. If there is moisture in the oil, the engine oil will appear milky white after the engine runs for a period of time.
2、 What are the causes of oil water intrusion?
1. 机油散热器损坏会导致机油进水,机油散热器损坏,散热器管路发生破损,散热器外部的水会渗透到机油散热器里面,从而导致机油进水。
1. If the oil radiator is damaged, the oil will enter the water, the oil radiator will be damaged, and the radiator pipeline will be damaged. The water outside the radiator will penetrate into the oil radiator, which will cause the oil to enter into the water.
2. 小型搅拌机,发动机缸套密封圈出现损坏也会导致机油进水。湿式缸套直接与冷却水接触,缸套下部的密封圈可以有效的防止机油和冷却水的渗漏,发动机长时间运行以后,密封圈是很容易失效的,缸套密封圈损坏是机油进水的一个主要原因,所以,在检查机油进水原因的时候,一定要记得检查缸套密封圈是否完好。
2. Small mixer, engine cylinder liner seal ring damage will also cause oil into the water. The wet cylinder liner is directly in contact with the cooling water, and the sealing ring at the lower part of the cylinder liner can effectively prevent the leakage of oil and cooling water. After the engine runs for a long time, the sealing ring is very easy to fail. The damage of the cylinder liner seal ring is a main reason for the water inflow into the engine oil. Therefore, when checking the cause of the water inflow into the engine oil, you must remember to check whether the seal ring of the cylinder liner is in good condition.
3. 气缸垫损坏也会导致机油进水,发动机汽缸垫的作用是密封各气缸以及各气缸对应的水道和机油油道,从而避免机油进水,如果气缸垫发生损坏,水循环速度比较快,水道内的水就会流进机油油道,造成机油进水,在每次拆卸完发动机后,一定要使用新的汽缸垫,以免汽缸垫损坏造成机油进水,从而导致发动机损坏。
Three The damage of the cylinder head gasket will also cause the oil to enter into the water. The function of the engine cylinder gasket is to seal the water channels and oil channels corresponding to each cylinder, so as to prevent the oil from entering into the engine. If the cylinder gasket is damaged and the water circulation speed is relatively fast, the water in the water channel will flow into the oil duct, causing the oil to enter into the water. After each disassembly of the engine, a new cylinder head gasket must be used, In order to avoid the damage of the cylinder head gasket, which may cause the engine damage.
Today, I'd like to introduce you some knowledge about small blenders. For more details, please click our website: https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn We will have more knowledge for you.

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