








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2022-12-02 发布人:admin
Many car owners are worried about the problems of small concrete mixers due to inadequate protection. The maintenance is carried out on time or even in advance, and the engine oil is of a good brand. However, there are still some problems. The following section will talk about how to observe whether the oil color of the mixer is normal by using the light method.
On a sunny day, use a screwdriver to lift the lubricating oil at a 45 degree angle to the horizontal. Observe the condition of oil drops according to the sunlight. It is good to see clearly that there is no wear debris in the lubricating oil under the sunlight, and it can continue to work. If there are too many wear debris, the lubricating oil should be replaced.
The fine engine oil is translucent yellow brown, and the engine oil is brown if there is water in it. When the engine of a small concrete mixer runs for a period of time, the engine oil is milky white with foam.
The black engine oil is usually caused by excessive sludge and iron filings, or excessive carbon particles in the engine oil. Pull out the oil dipstick to the bright place and observe whether the scale line is clear. If the oil on the oil dipstick cannot see the scale line, the oil is too dirty and needs to be replaced immediately.
Slow qualitative test paper, one test paper is required for each oil inspection, which means that the material cost for each inspection is very small. Slow qualitative test is used for the determination of ions and chemical components. It can determine whether the sample contains a certain amount of certain substances. The test paper can detect the condition of different components in the engine oil to determine whether the engine oil has aged.
Take out the oil dipstick, drop a drop of engine oil on the slow qualitative test paper, place the test paper horizontally and wait for 24 hours. It is found that the following three important annular areas will appear on the test paper after 24 hours of standing.
At the center of the spot is the place where the coarse grain impurities in the oil are concentrated. The degree of oil pollution can be roughly judged by the color of the sedimentary ring.
This is all for observing whether the oil color of the blender is normal by using the light method. If you have any questions or needs, please come to our website https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn Consult!

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